1. Self-Certification of sickness
If you have been ill for 7 days or less, you don’t need to see a doctor. You can complete a Self-Certification form yourself. Click here for more details
2. New Sick Note Request (If you have been ill for more than 7 days)
If you have been ill for more than 7 days you will need a doctor’s certificate.
We can only issue a new certificate once you have spoken to a clinician. Please contact the surgery to request a New Certificate.
Call the surgery - 01495 772239
3. If you need an extension to a sick note
If you have already had a Sick Note (Fit Note) for this illness, your Doctor may not need to see you to issue an additional Sick Note.
Please complete this form. We will contact you to let you know when you can collect your Sick/Fit Note or we may contact you to arrange an appointment.
Failure to complete all form details will result in your request being rejected by the surgery. It is important that you provide as much detail as possible to enable the GP to assess your request for a fit note.